Well, I 100% planned to blog mid week but obviously failed. It was just such a busy week with work, and then I got sick (just a mild cold, but enough to sap my energy). It wasn’t that I worked so many EXTRA hours than usual, it’s that they were all either spent offsite, and/or in meetings. I had very few hours actually at my desk, getting things done. People were chasing me on emails I hadn’t even read yet! Oh and we arranged half the rooms in our house last week, but didn’t finish the job, so there is STUFF still everywhere, which is mildly stressful. BUT at least it was a successful week, all those meetings went well, so that’s good. And despite the cold symptoms that arrived on Thursday morning and slowed me down, I was still able to get all the essentials done, and there were plenty of FIGs (Finding Joy in Gratitude) too. In fact, it’s this kind of week where you need FIGs the most. So let’s dive in!
We got our master bedroom back! Last year we had an experiment where we put the kids into the master bedroom (as its larger and easily fitted the two single beds and bookcases etc), we went in the second bedroom (which didn't really fit our King size bed), and the third small bedroom was an office. Unfortunately, it just didn't really work. You could only get into our bed from one side (the other side was up against the wall), so one person had to climb over the other to get in and out of bed. No one ever wanted to do that. Eventually we accepted the fact, we are just too old for that sh**! So we made a decision, get rid of the office, take back our master, and the kids could have a bedroom each. The truth is we have a few different living spaces, and we can convert part of the dining room area into an office. So on Saturday we spent most of the day doing this, and its great! Love having a proper sized Master bedroom, it even has a TV in it (I've never had a TV in the bedroom before, and I'm oddly excited). The kids like their rooms, and I can see, once we get the multitudes of STUFF put away, the house will work well. Hooray.

Sunday -
Al took the kids out in the morning and gave me a few hours to myself - luxurious! I went for a walk, I had fun re-organising and decluttering my wardrobe as I moved it into its new home.
Al's sister joined us for a swim in my parents pool - she is SO wonderful with the kids, and very grateful as I sat with my feet up watching them joyfully interacting

It might sound unusual, but I really enjoy my weekly planning in the late afternoon on Sundays, going through the week to come, updating the planner on our fridge, making sure the kids clothes are clean and put away, bills are paid, etc. Grateful to have a nice quiet Sunday afternoon to do this.
Monday -
Morning routine with the kids getting ready and out the door is going very smoothly at the moment, including E doing her homework! We are in a rhythm and grateful for that.
Very proud of one of my students who I watched present a great public talk to an engaged audience. Grateful that I get to supervise such talented students and watch them grow and develop such great skills.
Had time to cook us a delicious chicken drumsticks and homemade potato and sweet potato chips dinner. O ate LOTS of the chicken, E ate lots of the potato and a little bit of chicken, and Al and I ate it all. Hooray for a meal no one complains about.
Tuesday -
I had a lovely play with O at the local playground at sunset, while waiting for E who was at Scouts. On a tiring day where I couldn't come up with many positives, this was a lovely highlight at the end of the day, and I appreciated my adorable 4 year old who was thrilled to have mummy to himself.

Wednesday -
Al had O at home all day and did the school pick up, so I could just focus on a busy day in the office and leave a little later than usual. This is rare so I was grateful.
Coming home to a delicious fish taco meal cooked by Al, so tasty and being able to put my feet up and have food delivered to me was great too.
Watching the late night shows hosts' funny takes on American politics - its the only way I can get that news right now because any other way is too stressful.
Thursday -
Noticing beautiful yellow daisies growing along the road on my way to pick up E

Took half an hour after I did the school pick up and arrived home with E to read her a new library book, before jumping back online. It was so nice to do that kind of reading with her.
By 5.30pm I was DONE (my cold had kicked in), so I was able to crawl into bed, Al ordered pizza, and the kids were very cute playing doctor, checking on my "symptoms", and giving me sympathy.
Friday -
Had to dig deep today - felt a bit rotten and generally exhausted, but still had to work. BUT I had enough energy to make homemade beef burgers for dinner and everyone loved them, so I'll call that a win.
Oh, and its Friday - TGIF indeed this week!
Happy Saturday everyone! Did anyone else struggle to identify FIGS on some days this week? Any highlights?
Yes, had a hard time coming up daily figs, but overall, for the whole week, tons of figs. Little things and big things. American politics is such a shit show I can't even anymore.
Gah. Everyone seems to be so sick around the world. It feels like an especially bad year for bugs and viruses. But I'm so glad you found some identifiable FIGs. Isn't it amazing how things like dandelions can be a spark of joy - it just takes noticing them.
Now finding a FIG in sitting poolside sounds a bit easier. Definitely wishing it was warm enough to go swimming where I live right now!
It was definitely challenging to come up with some figs on some days this week since we had a stomach bug in our house. And it struck Phil last night so the saga continues. Sigh. I was traveling again this week, too, so that always throws things off. But now I get a two week break. You’re one on one time with O sound great! Kids are always so much easier when you’re one on one of them!
There have been many days this month where I've had to dig deep for my FIGs! But, I guess that's the whole point- if it were easy we would be sailing along from one FIG to the next, with no need to observe or document them.
I think I need to start watching some funny takes on American politics. It would help (a little) to be able to laugh at it. Enjoy your "new" spacious master bedroom! And... I hope you feel better soon. Have a great weekend!