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Finding joy In Gratitude - FIG week 1

Writer: SophieSophie

The wonderful Elisabeth suggested that for the month of February whoever is keen participate in a little activity where we notice and report things to be grateful for each day, called the Finding joy In Gratitude (FIG) collective. I love this idea, especially because there is a lot negatives in the world to be sad/anxious about right now (natural disasters, wars, political climate), and it can takeover my attention too easily some days. I also enjoy reading other people's FIG posts, so I'm hoping to bring some positive energy into the world by sharing my own.

Definitely grateful to these views and conference location

I did not manage to note down FIGs every day for the first week of Feb, as Monday/Tuesday were very busy at work/kids, and then I was away at a conference, which completely threw out my routines. But luckily because last week was eventful, I can actually remember a lot details, so I'll just do a roundup of the FIGs I remember, and then this current week I'll actually note some down every day. I'm jotting them down in my new 5 year journal, which is just enough space for one or two highlights each day.

During the week I was grateful for:

  • The town I stayed at on Wednesday night had Uber Eats, and a favourite burger place (Grill'd) close by to order from, which is a total novelty because my small town does not have Uber eats (not enough drivers). Was so nice when so tired from Day 1 of the conference being able to order food and have it delivered to my door.

  • E was invested into Scouts on Tuesday evening - which is where you make your pledge and officially join the Scouts movement. She took it quite seriously and I was proud of her.

There was quite a ceremony involved (and lots of badges to E’s delight)
There was quite a ceremony involved (and lots of badges to E’s delight)
  • I also had a lovely sunset walk for part of her time at Scouts, it was a lovely temperature and it felt good to do a walk, as Tuesday had been so busy at work I hadn't had a moment to even stop, let alone do my usual walk.

  • O has started to crack jokes and his attempts are so cute! He will just say silly things - for example, today I was carrying him and asked where I should put him down, and he said "Umm... on the cupboard", "Umm... on the table". Then he cracked up laughing at his own "jokes". For a pretty serious little guy up until now, its so fun seeing his silly side really come out.

  • A really enjoyable conference. Sometimes conferences are good for career, or experience or whatever, but they aren't always fun or fully worth the time out from work. This one really was.

  • One of my PhD students had her final thesis seminar on Friday, and she did so well! Felt very proud of what she's achieved and how well she performed on the day as well.

  • A smooth drive back from the conference at peak hour, on a road that CAN become gridlocked if there is any car accident, event on in Brisbane etc. We had a great drive all the way back, and I was home in time to put the kids to bed on Friday night (well, this could be seen as a positive or negative, but I choose to be positive that I got to kiss them to sleep).

  • Nice weather. Its been beautiful and sunny many days this last week, but not TOO hot, and I'm grateful for it.

  • Free proper coffee from the cafe at the conference - we just flashed our conference lanyards and got as many free coffees as we wanted. For a caffeine addict this was so appreciated.

  • Al holding the fort while I was away last week. Whenever I travel for work (which is not uncommon), he never complains, makes a deal out of it, or suggests I "owe" him. I appreciate that very much, because I know that solo parenting for a few days is definitely extra work.

  • My parents for helping Al out (picking E up from school for example), and just making life that little bit easier for us as always.

  • Fresh tomatoes off my tomato plants, ready to put onto my morning toast. So yummy and exciting when they are ready to pick, after months of waiting.

Fresh cream cheese, tomato and basil toast
Fresh cream cheese, tomato and basil toast

What about everyone else? Any highlights of the week to be grateful for?



Daria P
Daria P
Feb 13

Great fresh figs!! What a view at your conference! Oh and when kids crack jokes, it is so CUTE!!!

Feb 14
Replying to

Thanks Daria! Yes the kids making me laugh every day is one of the best things about parenting, hey!


Feb 09

That toast looks soooo good. I just bought a basil plant this week and I am excited to use it.

Yay for free coffee. Definitely a FIG <3

And I love that O is cracking jokes. Sometimes I am literally doubled over with laughter from things my kids say.

Feb 11
Replying to

Love having fresh basil - luckily where I live it grows all year round. Just a little bit freshens up so many dishes :)


Lisa’s Yarns
Feb 09

Yum! Garden fresh tomatoes are so good! I’m glad that your conference went well and was enjoyable, too. I’m envious of the good coffee you had access to. I only had access to big canisters of coffee, which is not the best, but I’ll take what I can get I guess!

Feb 11
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Me too- if need be I’ll drink drip coffee, instant, anything. But a “proper” coffee is much appreciated (and then are expensive so free is a big bonus!)


Feb 09

That's a nice basket of figs! I remember so well when the boys had all of their activities and a good chunk of our non work time was driving them to, picking them up, and waiting around for them. And then they grew up and started driving.

This was an excellent week: I got to go to Florida for a work conference, which meant going from winter to summer, and I was able to build in a side trip to meet with blogger friends! It's been pretty epic.

Feb 11
Replying to

Yes your week sounded so great! Hooray for blogger meetups ☺️

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