This month I am joining Elisabeth and other bloggers to Find joy In Gratitude (FIGs), and this was week 2. I recorded entries daily in my 5 year journal, and now I’ve misplaced my journal (we’ve rearranged all the bedrooms and stuff is everywhere in the process!), so now I’ll have to write this from memory. This was generally a good week, although it was a bit of a catch up week on work and chores since I was away last week for work. So it was busy but there were plenty of FIGs and few flies the jam so I’m grateful for that.
Here are what I can remember:
Saturday 8th Feb - My sister in law and husband arrived and the kids stayed overnight with them at their apartment for the evening, while Al and I had an BBQ with friends at their house. It was very fun, and the food was delicious, and we even had a swim in their pool. I didn’t drink and drove home about 10.30, and it was so nice to sleep well and then wake up to peace and quiet in the morning. So rare to wake up without the kids!
Sunday- Other than waking up fresh without parenting duties on Sunday, I drove Al to work and got a delicious iced latte, wandered through a Sunday market, and then for the grocery shopping before picking up the kids (who had had a ball). The weather was sunny and warm. It was a delightful day all round.
Monday - Met mum for coffee at lunchtime at a local cafe, was so good to have a nice chat (so often we catch up with the kids around and we don’t get a proper catch up).
Tuesday- I stayed back at work to do a public webinar for work. It was well attended and went well!
Wednesday- had a lovely lunchtime walk along the lake at work in the sunshine, listening to voice memos from a friend and sending some back (our fave way to communicate)
Thursday - Finally caught up on chores, tidying house etc. We had my parents and sister in law and her husband all over for dinner, and I cooked a roast scotch fillet beef with veggies, it turned out delicious! And it was such a nice evening, Grateful for quality family time.
Friday- The morning with the kids went smoothly despite the night before being late and us all sleeping in (I had zero morning routine except for coffee on Friday). I love how we are back in our school routine and it feels good when we get everyone out the door on time. I enjoyed getting to do an extra drop off/pick up with E at the moment with my mum away on holiday for a few weeks.
Bonus FIGs:
Found that my work offers access to a huge network of fitness centres for a very cheap price as an employee benefit. Excited to try it
Going to bed while the “machines” are still working and knowing I’ll wake up to clean dishes and clean, dry clothes.
Finding two new tshirts that suited me in a store last week and buying them in 10 mins and now having fresh clothing options.
E’s earnest, sweet conversations as she makes sense of the world, and sets out to make it right “Mummy, when I’m grow up I’m going to make houses cheaper so that everyone can have a house” (we’d been talking about homelessness which is a growing issue in Australia
Impromptu dance parties to Taylor swift, complete with O’s 4 year wiggly dance moves and E’s fancy 7 year old moves.
Kitty cuddles after the kids go to bed and it’s our cat Bells’ time to shine - her purrs are so therapeutic
I hope everyone else also had some “FIGs” this week.Happy Sunday!
*photo by Wix
Your week sounded wonderful! Especially having a night without the kids. Waking up in a quiet house sounds so lovely. And it’s great that the kids were having a good time too with their cousins!!
Sophie - what an incredible FIG post. I love this! time with family. Time to relax. Good food. Sunshine and moving your body. Communicating with friends. Sleep.
Contented sigh